Creates a tidy data frame for further analyses




a list of SecondSpectrum Physical Splits csv files


This function creates tidy data frames based on an a list of SecondSpectrum Physical Splits csv files. The output list has to be assigned to the GlobalEnvironment manually


#> Warning: Row 1 does not provide unique names. Consider running clean_names() after row_to_names().
#> Warning: Row 1 does not provide unique names. Consider running clean_names() after row_to_names().
#> value for "which" not specified, defaulting to c("rows", "cols")
#> value for "which" not specified, defaulting to c("rows", "cols")
#> Warning: Row 1 does not provide unique names. Consider running clean_names() after row_to_names().
#> Warning: Row 1 does not provide unique names. Consider running clean_names() after row_to_names().
#> value for "which" not specified, defaulting to c("rows", "cols")
#> value for "which" not specified, defaulting to c("rows", "cols")
#> [[1]]
#> # A tibble: 2,420 x 9
#>    metric         team      level id        half  splits value match  date      
#>    <chr>          <chr>     <fct> <chr>     <chr> <chr>  <dbl> <chr>  <date>    
#>  1 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 5      5055. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#>  2 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 10     6226. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#>  3 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 15     4780. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#>  4 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 20     6257. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#>  5 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 25     6158. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#>  6 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 30     6707. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#>  7 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 35     4425. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#>  8 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 40     6307. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#>  9 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 45     6534. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#> 10 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 50     5020. TeamA~ 2022-02-21
#> # ... with 2,410 more rows
#> [[2]]
#> # A tibble: 2,420 x 9
#>    metric         team      level id        half  splits value match  date      
#>    <chr>          <chr>     <fct> <chr>     <chr> <chr>  <dbl> <chr>  <date>    
#>  1 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 5      5055. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#>  2 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 10     6226. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#>  3 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 15     4780. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#>  4 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 20     6257. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#>  5 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 25     6158. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#>  6 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 30     6707. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#>  7 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 35     4425. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#>  8 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 40     6307. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#>  9 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 45     6534. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#> 10 Total Distance "Team A " group "Team A " first 50     5020. TeamC~ 2022-02-25
#> # ... with 2,410 more rows